Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Seven Ways to Pace Yourself

It’s unrealistic to think you can change your life overnight. It simply doesn’t happen like that. Success is all about balance. It’s developing the skill to weave your  way through life’s challenges in a way that enables you to make progress, but not to the detriment of your day-to-day activities. By adhering to these hints you will find yourself pacing yourself more effectively and feeling more relaxed.

The following are seven ways to pace yourself:
1. Walk the dog- Start every day with that half an hour routine that enables you to think about and, more importantly, plan the coming day.
2. Cook a meal- It’s important to make time for simple, pleasurable activities. Not everything you do should be a challenge.
3. Take holidays- Switch off completely at least twice a year. You don’t need to go far away, just far enough that you can’t hear the phone.
4. Do the shopping- If you’re usually too busy to buy the groceries (perhaps someone else goes now and again). You will find those aisles will give you an insight into how others live. Relax and have some fun by comparing the contents of your trolley with some others.
5. Go to church- No, I’m not advocating worship in church, synagogue or a mosque; that’s a matter of your own personal choice. However, visiting religious places is a great way to understand how we traditionally made sense of the chaos that is our world. Look at how the world is portrayed there.
6. Visit your childhood home- How does it differ from your memory? Usually, things are smaller than we remember, because we were smaller then. How does it compare with where you live right now?
7. Just do it- Having considered all the opportunities to slow down, you do also need to make progress, so sometimes you need to get off your backside and “just do it.”
Learn to relax by living the serene life: by having the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. It is important to bear inmind that: “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong mental attitude.” ….. Thomas Jefferson  

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